Digital analytics

Matomo Analytics – the open source web analytics solution

Matomo is the best-known open-source analytics software, and its security and customizability make it the system of choice for public administrations.

Let’s talk more!

Matomo Analytics in brief

Easy to use and customizable Matomo

Matomo Analytics is a free analytics tool that offers many of the same features as the former Google Universal Analytics. The server solution you choose determines the cost of using Matomo.

Matomo’s standard reports are good enough for most purposes, but for online stores we recommend Google Analytics 4, and the more powerful Piwik PRO analytics for large public sector and healthcare sites.

The benefits of Matomo-analytics:

  • Can be installed on your own server, or on a cloud server
  • data is easy to back up and can be edited if necessary
  • Matomo supports IP anonymisation, making it impossible to identify the user by IP address.
  • In Matomo, you can easily build your own dashboards, consisting of predefined elements
  • source code is freely accessible and editable.

Typical Matomo users include:

  • the public sector, in particular central government
  • social and health service providers
  • banking and insurance companies
  • law firms.

“Working with Hopkins was a real pleasure from the start. Not only was there a high level of expertise, but the project was really well phased. The phasing was also well documented, making it easy to understand how to proceed.”

Ville Titoff,

Communications Specialist
City of Kuopio

Our services

This is how we help you with Matomo Analytics

We help organizations to implement and measure Matomo analytics, and we also provide Matomo trainings.

Planning the monitoring

We consult with you to help you choose the right storage solution. An analytics project always starts with a design phase, where we define together what we want to measure on the website.

Analytics implementation

We assist in the technical implementation of Matomo and carry out and document the analytics monitoring as planned.

Matomo trainings

We train our clients’ teams to use Matomo Analytics and understand the data it provides.

Continuous analytics support

We also provide Matomo Analytics users with ongoing analytics maintenance and data analysis services.

Interested in Matomo analytics?

Call us on +358 20 788 8120 or fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you!