For B2B and B2C companies that collect sales leads online
Digital marketing that generates sales leads
Do you want your digital marketing to drive a bigger sales pipeline with more quality leads and a higher purchasing power? Contact us when you’re frustrated by cold leads and protracted sales cycles!
The Hopkins approach to lead acquisition
Lead generation and demand generation are sometimes seen as enemies of each other, but we don’t take such an ideological view. We always start with business objectives and design multi-channel, sustainable digital marketing that strengthens our client’s brand and grows their sales pipeline.

Marketing with a business focus
Together, we set targets that we aim to meet. We take into account the specific nature of your target groups and your business, and do not follow the same template in every case.

Quality content
High-quality, well-considered content play a key role in lead generation marketing. Create a good experience for your target audience and they will reward you when it comes time to buy.

Understanding the target groups
Only by understanding the interests of your target audience can you create growth through digital marketing. So invest in the groundwork, we’ll help you with SEO, for example.

Developing the user experience
A high-quality website that serves visitors is a key starting point for inbound marketing. We work with you to develop it, including through SEO and analytics.

Making the most of data
We use a wide range of data in our marketing planning, including web analytics data, competitor analysis and data on purchasing decision makers and ICPs.

Developing the whole
We think of digital marketing as a multi-channel entity, which includes the optimization of the entire purchase path. We are don’t only stare the number of leads, we also build the top end of the funnel.
Discover our lead acquisition services
Improve your site’s visibility on Google and Bing by responding to relevant search queries. Search engine optimization also has strong synergies with advertising.
Google Ads
Google Ads is more than just keyword advertising. You can also use search behaviour to target video and discovery advertising.
Social media advertising
Social media ads have a high attention value and reach. You can use them at all stages of the purchase path. We carry out multi-channel social media advertising on channels such as LinkedIn, Meta, Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok.
Programmatic advertising
Premium advertising placements in display, video and native ads reach even the most challenging audiences.
Video advertising
Create awareness and generate demand with video advertising. You can also use tactical video advertising to acquire leads directly.
Display advertising
Generate interest, awareness and follow-up contacts with display advertising.
Conversion rate optimisation
Increase trust and remove friction with conversion rate optimization to get more leads from visitors on your site.
Make sure you lead marketing with data. A properly implemented analytics setup and analyses based on the data it collects will help.
4 success factors for lead-based sales
By measuring and analyzing the use of your website or app, you can guide the development and marketing of your services accurately, based on data rather than guesswork. This leads to better results, in terms of customer experience, sales and leads.
Create demand
Reach potential buyers with carefully selected audience targeting. Build awareness and brand loyalty, and grow your marketing authorization register.
This will help you get people in your target groups to remember and choose your business when their shopping windows open.
Meet the demand
Respond to demand in Google search with search engine optimization and keyword advertising.
Use custom segment targeting based on search behaviour for YouTube advertising and Google Ads Discovery advertising.
Maximize touchpoints
With marketing automation, you provide a seamless customer experience from lead to closing and onwards through the entire customer lifecycle.
Reach identified visitors through marketing automation and retargeted advertising.
Lead with data
Ensure that visitor and conversion tracking is operational and GDPR compliant. Gain an understanding of your target audience.
Data is the starting point for both strategic management and tactical optimization of your digital marketing mix.
Looking to grow your
inbound leads?
Call us on +358 20 788 8120 or fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you!